Great Dane

The large-sized Great Dane dog breed is German in origin. The Great Dane is descended from hunting dogs from the Middle Ages, who were used to hunt deer and wild boar as well as to protect German royalty. It ranks alongside the Irish Wolfhound as one of the two biggest dog breeds in the world.

Growth Chart for Great Danes in this Article


1 month

5 – 8 lbsN/A
2 months

15 – 30 lbs13 – 18 inches
3 months

25 – 45 lbs17 – 23 inches
4 months

45 – 65 lbs20 – 25 inches
5 months

60 – 85 lbs24 – 30 inches
6 months

65 – 100 lbs26 – 33 inches
7 months

70 – 110 lbs27 – 34 inches
8 months

80 – 120 lbs28 – 34 inches
9 months

85 – 125 lbs28 – 35 inches
1 year

95 – 140 lbs29 – 36 inches

Adult WeightAdult Height

140 – 175 lbs30 – 32 inches

110 – 140 lbs28 – 30 inches
Please take note that the heights shown above are calculated from the ground to the dog’s shoulders while it is standing.

What Is the Great Dane’s Growth Rate?

Compared to other large and giant breed puppies, Great Dane puppies grow a little bit more quickly. A Great Dane puppy weighs around 30 pounds by the time they are 8 to 12 weeks old, according to the Great Dane growth predictor. A Labrador retriever puppy, by contrast, doesn’t reach 30 pounds until they are over 4 months old. Naturally, a full-grown Labrador does not grow to be as large as a full-grown Great Dane.

Between the ages of 2 and 6 months, a Great Dane gains 15 to 20 pounds on average each month. Up until the child is roughly a year old, the rate decreases to around 10 pounds per month. Up to the age of 18 to 24 months, Great Danes will continue to grow, but at a very modest rate.

Large dog breeds age more quickly than tiny dog breeds, just like all canines age more quickly than humans. This idea has reignited a long-running discussion about why smaller dogs survive longer than larger dogs. The size (height and weight) of the animal does matter, although science is unsure of the precise reason. Breeding, health, and cognitive development are further influences.

Great Danes stop growing at what age?

You might be thinking, “How much do Great Danes weigh?” or “How long does it take for Great Danes to reach their full size?” When they turn one, they are regarded as adults, but they may not be fully mature until they turn two. Great Danes, also known as “gentle giants,” have a longer growth pattern than most dog breeds. Great Danes take their time and can continue to grow well into their second year, whereas smaller dogs typically reach their full size during the first year of their lives.

Health Issues and Gentle Giants

The huge stature and kind temperament of Great Danes are well known. They are susceptible to some health problems, just like any other dog breed. The following are some common health issues affecting Great Danes:

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