Bakharwal Dog 

The Bakharwal dog, also known as the Bakharwal Mastiff or Kashmiri Mastiff, is a rare breed that originated in Jammu and Kashmir, an Indian state in the Himalayan area.

The Bakharwal nomadic clan has long utilized these dogs to watch and defend their livestock, especially sheep.

The Bakharwal Dog is primarily found in India, but it is also present in Afghanistan and Pakistan in smaller numbers

According to a recent study, this breed is in risk of going extinct, and the Bakerwal community has petitioned to have this animal listed as an endangered species. In recent years, there have been numerous reports of this mountain dog breed either dying from rabies or being shot by violent separatists.

the overall look

General Bakarwal and Ladakhi Bakarwal are the two categories into which Bakarwal is subdivided. Bakarwal is a robust, large- to medium-sized dog with a heavy bone. It is a swift and robust breed that resembles a mountain dog, with a thick coat and plumed tail giving it a regal appearance. It has the appearance of a medium-sized Tibetan Masti

The toes and breast are white, and the color is primarily black. The bread composed of rice chaff, maize, and milk is a favorite food of the dog’s, who eats only vegetarian food. Red, fawn, pied, sable, white, and brindle are common colors. Black and tan is also popular.

Once a year, females of this breed give birth to a single litter, with an average of three to four puppies.

This dog appears to be quite strong and powerful, but it is also incredibly agile and athletic. These canines simply appear to be powerful and sturdy. They resemble Tibetan mastiffs in appearance, however they are smaller than the Tibetan mastiffs. They have enormous heads with floppy ears that hang far apart from one another. Most frequently, their eyes are brown, grey, or black. This dog breed has thick, sturdy bones. They also frequently weigh between 150 and 200 lbs, or 70 to 90 kg, and stand between 24 and 30 inches tall, or 60 to 75 cm.

span of life

A Bakharwal dog has a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years on average. Make sure to take good care of your dog and get frequent health checks if you want it to enjoy a long and healthy life.


Patience, persistence, and positive reinforcement are necessary when training a Bakharwal dog, also referred to as a Bakharwal Mastiff. Known for their devotion, intelligence, and protective temperament, Bakharwals are a historic breed of working dogs from the Indian Himalayas. Here are some vital pointers for efficiently training a Bakharwal dog:

Begin Early :

As soon as your Bakharwal puppy arrives home, you should start training them. To guarantee that kids develop into well-behaved and sociable adults, early socialization and training are essential.


From an early age, expose your Bakharwal puppy to various people, environments, and other animals. This will enable them to become more assured and polite in many settings.

Positive Discipline:

When we want to teach something to our dog with love, then they will definitely learn because Bhakharwal dog needs a lot of love, like every dog ​​needs love and when they are small, it is easy to teach them something.

Sad look of dog (golden retriever) under gate of house. Themes guarding, waiting and loyalty.

Be tolerant and persistent:

Training a Bakharwal can be challenging due to their independent nature, so patience and consistency are key. Do not scold your dog too much and teach it with love, it will definitely learn.

Basic Orders:

Teach basic commands such as “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “leave it.” These commands are helpful in keeping your dog under control as well as ensuring their safety.

Leash Instruction:

Select a robust leash that matches the Bakharwal’s size and strength. A sturdy leash and a comfy collar or harness are crucial for big dogs like Bakharwals.Train your dog to walk properly on the road with the leash so that he walks in a display so that the people walking on the road do not have any problem.Many dogs are scared the first time they see a leash. Let Bakharwal smell the leash before attaching it to his collar so that he knows it will not harm him, then let him wear it and use it.

A dog waiting outside a building

Walking in the right manner:

Teach your Bakhwarwal to walk on the side of the road. Training him to walk on the left or right of the road helps establish a routine for your dog’s upbringing.

Show heel command:

The “heel” command is used to get your dog to walk next to you on a loose leash. Hold the leash loose, not tight. When your dog starts to move forward or back away, gently correct the behavior by saying “heel” and use a treat to bring them back to the desired position.

Do not punish:

Never punish your Bakharwal for not walking properly on the leash. Doing so will make him fearful, then quickly stressed and won’t learn as quickly, making the training process more challenging.

Mental stimulation and exercise:

Being an active breed, bakharwal dogs require daily exercise to keep their bodies and minds engaged. They enjoy taking long strolls, going on treks, and having games with their owners. By giving them enough activity, you can stop them from becoming bored and acting out.

Keep in mind that each dog is unique, and some may require more time to train their leash etiquette than others. If you proceed with caution, you’ll be rewarded with a well-behaved and content Bakharwal. If you are having trouble with this in particular, think about hiring a professional dog trainer who has expertise training larger, more powerful breeds.


It’s important to take into account the dog’s age, size, activity level, any particular dietary needs, and any health issues when selecting dog food for a Bakharwal or any other breed of dog. For different breeds and life phases, premium commercial dog food brands typically offer formulations.

The essential elements, including as protein, lipids, carbs, vitamins, and minerals, should be present in a well-balanced dog diet. It is always advised to speak with a veterinarian to choose the appropriate diet strategy for your Bakharwal dog as they may give specific recommendations depending on the demands of the particular dog.

Some people cook food for their dog at home, but to know whether all the nutrients are found in the home food or not, consult a veterinarian or a qualified dog nutritionist whether it is suitable for your dog or not.

Feeding schedule for dogs in Bakharwal

  • Bakharwal 8 to 12 week old dogs should be fed 4 times a day.
  • Bakharwal dog puppies should be given three meals a day when they are 3 to 6 months old.
  • Give puppies aged six months to a year two meals every twenty-four hours.
  • One feeding per day is sufficient by the time the bakharwal dog becomes one.
  • Bakharwal mature dogs occasionally prefer two smaller meals. It is your responsibility to find out when your bakharwal dog eats.

Adult Bakharwal dogs get a balanced diet from premium dry dog food, which can be combined with water, canned food. Fruits and vegetables, cottage cheese, and cooked eggs can be your dog’s favorites, but they should not make up more than ten percent of his daily diet. Bakharwal Dog puppies should be fed premium puppy food from reputable manufacturers. However, please try to restrict “table food” as it can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies, teeth and bone problems, and even obesity. Provide only clean, fresh water and be sure to wash food and water bowls frequently.

Warnings That Should Be Obeyed

Never ever give your bakharwal dog any of the following foods:

  • Alcoholic drinks
  • chocolate
  • Grapes
  • unhealthy food
  • Onions, garlic and chives
  • Chicken
  • salty meals and salt
  • Tomato leaves
  • Wheat dough
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