At-Home Guide to Cleaning Dog Ears

7 Simple Steps For Cleaning A Dog’s Ears At Home

  1. If you have a medium or large dog, arrange for them to be comfortably seated or resting close to you. It can be simpler to have a tiny dog sitting on your lap if you have one. Allow them to settle into a comfortable position if you notice them squirming.

2. The ear flap of your dog should be raised and held upright between your thumb and forefinger.

3. Praise your dog as you gently squeeze the bottle to release the dog ear cleaning solution and fill the ear canal while holding the tip of the bottle in the top of the ear canal. It’s crucial to avoid pushing the tip too deeply into your dog’s ear. Your dogs may become anxious during ear cleaning. Making the situation less stressful can be accomplished in large part by assuring them, decreasing the pace, and complimenting them.

Pomeranian dog white lovely in the park.

4. To hear the dog ear cleaning solution squelching, massage the ear canal. The material at the bottom of the ear canal will be broken up by the massage and allowed to float to the top.

5. Use cotton wool or dog ear wipes to remove any extra cleaner or debris discovered towards the top of the ear.

6.  Give your dog some of their favorite dog treats while praising them. This will support the good sentiments they will have after having their ears cleaned. To take a break and give your dogs some comfort, you might also use a lick mat with various toppings like broth, yogurt, or peanut butter.

7. The second ear should be treated the same way!

Important facts you should know

  Important Facts You Should Know

  1. Do not use cotton buds because they may be inserted too deeply and harm the inner ear. 
  2. Never put cotton wool or dog ear wipes in both ears at the same time. 
  3. Don’t battle if your dog is unhappy about you trying to clean their ears since you could hurt yourself or them. You can get assistance from a trained groomer or a nurse at the veterinarian’s office.

4. Watch for signs of relaxation (or tension), such as lip licking, yawning, or pawing. Don’t push through if you see that they are doing one of these things too frequently or are moving away from you as you clean their ears. It’s likely that they don’t want you to touch their ears because they are in pain or discomfort there. Understanding these indications can help you keep your stress levels from rising and prevent you from snapping.

Contact your veterinarian right away if there is any strange discharge or odor before moving forward.

Questions and Answers

Q. How do I clean my dog’s ears?
Answer: The procedures described above are best for cleaning dog ears. However, if you are unable to or are concerned about inadvertently hurting your dog, contact your local HUFT spa, where our skilled groomers will be happy to assist you with cleaning your dog’s ears.

Q. What can I use to clean my dog’s ears?
Answer: To clean your dog’s ears, simply use a dog ear cleaning solution. Since these bottles are made specifically for dog ears, the eardrum will not be as likely to be damaged. To clean your dog’s ears regularly, use pet-friendly ear wipes. Do not use cotton swabs as there is a risk of going too deep into the ear and damaging it. Avoid using any home remedies that contain human ingredients as they can harm your dog’s ears.

Q. What time of day is ideal to clean a dog’s ears?
Answer: The ideal time to clean your dog’s ears is when they are calm and relaxed. Sometimes this happens while getting dressed or while taking a bath. It can sometimes even fall out of it. Some dogs find bathing or grooming quite stressful. If they have to clean their ears as well, it can be extremely difficult for them. In addition, it is important to check their ears once a month to make sure there is no excess wax built up.

Q: What signs of a dog ear infection are there? 

Ans: Itching, scratching, head tilts in the direction of the infected ear, peculiar odor or discharge, and red, painful ears are a few signs of a canine ear infection. Contact your veterinarian right once if you experience any of these signs.

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